Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portrait of the Cross Series

"it is finished"
Acrylic on Canvas

Painting #2

Portrait of the Cross Series

"I commit to you my Spirit"
Acrylic on Canvas

As we come into this season of mediation on the Cross I am often reminded how this should always be my meditation. Giving up something for God is a nice gesture in light of what He gave up for us, but He gave up his life and is asking us to do the same. We may have dreams of what we want to accomplish but they aren't as importaint as His dreams for us. How magnificent is His love. I will be painting to protraits of the Cross and I will be open to what God has for me. Im not perfect but if there is perfection in my life it is all Him.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Emilie Panasiuk
acrylic on canvas

I have heard time and again people tell me that they cannot draw a stick figure with any luck. Although I almost always let it go, I believe that everyone can experience the Spirit of Art and produce work that is great and meaningful. There is no way to put a value on pure and honest expression. In Fact, you would be surprised what you are capable of doing!
We spent time today giving the Kids 30 minutes alone in the studio just to listen to the Spirit and put paint on canvas. The results where amazing! In the picture shown above, Emilie painted a breath taking painting titled "spirit". So awesome!
Spend some time today just taking in this magnificent life that we have! Life is beautiful. No matter where you are.